There are 6 well recognised steps to the financial advisory process:

  1. Identify your needs and objectives
  2. Gather information
  3. Analyze information and develop the plan
  4. Present the plan and the delivery thereof
  5. Implement the plan
  6. Review progress relative to goals and update regularly

It is clear that a good financial advisor cannot do this without the full co-operation and involvement of the client. The more information the planner has, the better the plan is likely to be.

Financial goals cannot be achieved overnight. Like all good plans, once agreed to and implemented, it needs time to deliver on its objectives. Investment cycles are just that – cycles – and so no plan can be evaluated over a short time frame. We have learnt that the plans that succeed are the ones with committed parties. Commitment is integral to success.

We recognise that needs and circumstances change over time, and good financial plans adapt accordingly. Ongoing reviews enable communication and enhancements to the plan.

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